Have you ever
had a day when you felt like no matter how hard you tried to finish a
project…something got in the way? I
recently had one of those days. One
morning as I awoke, knew I had much on my plate even before the main course was
served. Between chores, taking precious
pooch to Vet, getting teen to school, preparing dinner, answering emails, writing
articles, designing lay-out, and marketing, I was already overwhelmed. Our dear canine was so hesitant to enter the
clinic, we were delayed thirty minutes...she had to be picked up and dragged
in on hind legs. I really felt bad for
her, I knew she was going to hate me when I picked her up that afternoon.
Since I was out, decided to stop
and eat breakfast with my son, hoping to have a brief but meaningful moment to
relax and chat with him. As we were
about to enjoy our feast, a shady scene happened.
We noticed a suspicious character enter the
establishment with a women wearing an unfitting long hair wig. I noticed the man whisper in his accomplice's ear as he took a guarded glance around the restaurant. For all I know, he
could have been asking her to order him an extra side of bacon or whispering sweet nothings. She quickly went to the counter, while the
male made a mad dash to a far corner. Who knows?
Maybe he suffered from social anxiety disorder and wanted to be far from other patrons. I don’t know…all I
know is I suddenly felt uncomfortable with their presence. He was wearing a jacket that said police, but
he sure didn't look like police to me. At first I thought, maybe they were
there after finishing an undercover stake-out...or maybe they came from
a Halloween party, but Halloween still had a bit to go and this was on a work
day early a.m. My son actually said he felt uneasy and wanted to leave. I too had that gut feeling that something was about to go down. We
quickly grabbed our items and left the building. I thought to myself, I've watched too much
CSI or the news. I must be paranoid. Yet, my son said, "Mom...if they were
undercover then they were doing a bad job of hiding their identity, since her
wig was barely holding on her head, and the police jacket looked like something
bought at a dollar store".
Now that breakfast was on the run,I decided I would knock out grocery shopping for the week. I was thankful
to find the parking lot mostly empty at that hour, I'm thinking… “AWESOME!” We won't have to fight the crowds. We will be
able to race through the store in a flash!
Well, tis' not to be. Problems
started the moment we entered the store…I was ecstatic to find a slew of
scooters available (I use these often with a botched ankle surgery). Scooters
available and charged up are always a challenge. I quickly hopped on one to get busy shopping
to find that it wasn't charged. I looked
down the line of them to find that NON OF THEM WERE EVEN PLUGGED IN! Oh, this aggravated me so...that some
pin-head was too lazy to plug these in for the sake of the others! Do they
not realize how much profit loss they lose when someone cannot shop in one of
these? In my case, I usually leave
and shop at their competitor. I did find
one barely working, but managed to get through most of my shopping before it broke
down. Delayed again, had to wait for my
son to go find me a working one.
We had
to transfer the items from one basket to the next before finishing the
task. I was irritated. I don't like delays. I admit, I'm not the most patient person in
the world, but I am learning. My son always chuckles and
says, "You must have prayed for patience this morning"....even he
knows that to learn patience, you have to have delays, stand in long lines,
listen to long-winded people, wait at a table for over an hour… wondering if
your waitress has amnesia as your stomach growls to order. Sometimes it’s the
obnoxiously slow turning driver with signal on for a mile who is busy finishing
their text. Patience on the phone with
Technical Support is almost unbearable, be prepared to take a Xanax, or maybe
a Nitrate to ward off chest pain, with the exacerbation of it all.
And last but not least the proverbial waiting
room of a doctor’s office. I usually
picture my own funeral procession being held in the center of the room while
waiting to see my doctor....as my skeletal remains seated upright are still
holding a magazine.
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2014© Cody B.
Nevertheless, we made it to check
out after almost two hours. I knew I had
a construction crew showing up at house and we had to hurry it up. Oh, I said hurry? NOT! I
noticed on my receipt that I was overcharged for an item. My son made his usual sigh, "Mom...can
we just go?"... “NO”, I spouted. I
was determined to have this taken care of since this happens too often...this
took an additional twenty-five minutes as the checker had to bring a supervisor
into it in order to find the $1.25
thinking...I'm losing daylight...I won't get these wasted moments back...I'm
aging by the second, I can feel a new wrinkle form on my forehead…the nursing
home is scheduling my bath...PLEASE CAN WE GET THE LED OUT???? But no, no one was in a hurry today, not for
Brenda Graff.
I finally make it
back home to get my son on his school work to find that his focus was so thrown
off it was almost impossible to light a fire under him to get 'er done! I had to make myself wait patiently as we went
over each math problem...as it was taking what seemed like forever to get the
answer. It wasn't because he didn't know
it, he just wasn’t interested. He isn't
fond of math. Well, I decided to give
him a break and me too, but my break consisted of trying to do dishes. As I was doing my least favorite chore....I
somehow managed to cause water to stream across my counter and down the side of
the cabinets and form a mini pond around my ankles…heading straight to the
electrical plugs and near computer! Ugh…as
I rush to stop the stream of doom!
I vowed I had had
enough. I know I may have felt like I
had enough, yet it isn't like I suffered a major crisis today...I just wanted
to get some stuff done. I’m not a
procrastinator...and rarely deal with those that are very patiently… “Jesus
help me” and I know too easily how I can become distracted if I don't jump on
things immediately. In retrospect, I
know that just because I set out to do something, doesn't mean that it was
God's plans for my day. I seem to
remember that morning rushing out of the bed without sincerely asking God what
he would chose for me to do that day...it is vital that we ask Him what His
plans for us are, especially since we are not our own, but we are His to use as
He wills.
Are we good stewards
of our time? Did what we spend time on
make a difference in the life of someone other than ourselves. Just the other
day as I was in the process of writing an article, and in between going over Social
Studies with my son, I received a call, and almost let it go to voice
mail. I really didn't want to be
interrupted. I needed to focus. Yet, I knew this was someone I deeply cared
about, and thought it must be important.
I took a deep breath and answered the call. The first words asked me were, "Are you
busy?".... “YES...YES...YES...When am I not?” I wanted to scream! However, that is not what this person needed
to hear. They needed a listening, caring
soul to vent to.
The Holy Spirit
jolted me and said, "Be still!" take the time to listen..."Okay...okay,
I will".....and I did for over an hour.
Yes, it was a delay in working on what I had planned, but within the delay
it actually gave me more insight to the article I was writing as the very
conversation coerced some of my thought processes. Some delays are good, they have reason, and
it is not a cruel act under heaven. Nor
is it Murphy’s Law. It isn't the
unfairness fairy flying around with her magic wand to zap you of ever
Sometimes we are delayed in our plans because we may not be prepared to operate in them. It’s like giving a 15 year old a credit card
and sending them in a mega electronics store all ALONE to purchase whatever
they want! They don’t care about the limit, nor do they understand the
magnitude of theft prevention needed to exit store safely with the overload of
God doesn't work on our time
table, but we are to work on His. If we
push a plan or desire before we are ready to handle it, we stand to lose much,
get hurt, or fall into traps. Patience
is of virtue…it changes your character.
James 1:4
But let patience have [her] perfect work, that ye may be
perfect and entire, wanting nothing.
Once we learn to be
patient, often God surprises us in a special way with something we didn’t even ask for.
James 1:4
But let
patience have [her] perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting
For ye have
need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive
the promise.
We have to learn delay will be
regulated by God, otherwise we will be at a constant tug-of-war with the Holy
Spirit, and ourselves.
Luke 21:19
In your patience possess ye your souls.
word (possess) in Hebrew means”
aw-khaz' - to seize, bar, catch, take, hold back, fasten, handle.
That means get THY SELF under
Control yourself before blood pressure begins to boil… as you wait
patiently in line at the grocery store so long…. that your milk is curdling,
and ice-cream has melted.
Control your tongue when in traffic and you've been driving for nearly
20 miles with blinker on and NO ONE will let you over!
Control when you find that the umpteen loads of laundry you folded
have somehow landed on the floor scattered in your child’s room or wadded in
drawers within ONE day!
Control when you pick up that empty milk carton in fridge that someone
was too lazy to toss.
Control when your dog has eaten a crater size hole through your sofa.
Control when someone in customer service treats you rudely, they may
be having a bad day too.
Control when those you love do not reciprocate the same towards you.
We do not own our bodies, life,
time, or even money. God does, and
purchased us with the price of His blood.
1 Corinthians 6:19-20
What? Know ye not that your body is the temple of the
Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore
glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's.
So why do we go into a tangent
when things don’t go as planned? If we
start our days with asking for God’s will, and actually adhere to
it…AMAZING…things happen! We can avoid
all the unnecessary stress, heavy sighs, heart palpitations, and embarrassing
verbiage scenes when we choose to live as God wills, and let him schedule our
When we do this, we grow wings
that soar over these situations. We pick
up momentum and accomplish much!
Isaiah 40:31
But they that wait upon the LORD shall
renew [their] strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall
run, and not be weary; [and] they shall walk, and not faint.