Friday, December 19, 2014


Yesterday while driving out of the parking lot of an overcrowded grocery store, I was about run over.  I was just trying to get out of the mayhem of vehicles blocking every section to get home!

"Stop texting and drive will ya!"

There were so many cars!  Everyone was in a frenzy stocking up for the holidays.  You could hear the Christmas music blaring, see some vehicles decked out like reindeer, and spot someone with a Santa hat.  Yet, there was something terribly missing.

As I worked my way through the droves of vehicles, and people walking preoccupied on cells phones... 

 "Yes, technical support, I'm still here..."
I began to notice a trend.  I witnessed people getting in and out of their vehicles with the exact same expression on their face.  I noticed drivers too had become ridden with this strange countenance.  What was going on?  It was as if their bodies had been consumed by alien life, and insanely morphing .

It was creepy to watch as drivers turned their surly faces towards me as a warning to not budge in their direction.  

"Don't even think about it!"

I was becoming trapped in the circle of sinister shoppers.  

Where was the joy?  Have we forgotten what Christmas is about?  Why during the most prominent giving season do people become so cynical and self-centered?  

"Hey that was MY candy cane!"

I understand the rushing about trying to get through a store, traffic, and crowds.  It can be quite the merry mood breaker.  Yet, it doesn’t have to be.  ‘Tis the season to be jolly’ is it not?

When I was dropping off items to be donated at the food pantries, and Pregnancy Help Centers this week, I was shocked to find that so few donations had been received during this month.  I was told that despite the greater need during the holidays that this is when donations fall short.  I always believed that giving would increase during Christmas.

It really doesn’t take much to buy a few extra cans of food each trip to the grocery store.  You can set up a stock pile to donate each month. Start a collection at your church. It does make a difference to families in need.  It is the reason for the season as we celebrate Christ birth.  We should be cheerful givers. 

2 Corinthians 9:6-7
Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
This could be in the form of giving away a smile, hug, or the right of way in a crowded parking lot.  We don’t have to shop with scowling distorted faces. 

"Where's the frickin' check-out?"

There is much we can do with little by having the right attitude, and not allowing the commercialism of Christmas consume us.

I heard on the news that a child had been collecting coupons and purchasing items to resell accumulating a profit of $10,000.  He used some of that to donate.  That gave me an idea.  Even if you are not an extreme coupon clipper…and maybe you don’t want a stockpile in your kitchen, or hate grocery shopping…you can still make a difference by collecting them.  Here’s how.  

Send FOOD FOR SOUL MAGAZINE your coupons, and in turn we will gladly clip, shop, and donate!

FOOD FOR SOUL MAGAZINE has been operating since beginning as a ministry of help to those in need.  We make no profit at the present!  We are in need of funding for families in crisis, and becoming a 501C NON-PROFIT.  This can come by advertisers, or donations.  We want to continue to serve the local community and abroad, any gifts would be appreciated, even if mailing us coupons! 

Here are just a few local charities or individuals we recently served:  T.E.A.M., PREGNANCY HELP CENTER OF TOMBALL, and the homeless.  We deliver freshly cooked pizza and water to the homeless in our local community twice a month.  Abroad we are helping to fund wells worldwide through WATER FOR LIFE.   We were able to help several families this past week.  

Another way to help for those who like to shop, would be to visit your local resale stores for baby items, such as onesies, jackets, and baby blankets.  We managed to purchase 17 items at merely .77 cents or less.  These items will be handed to parents attending classes at the Pregnancy Help Centers that have chosen to raise a life rather then dismiss it through abortion.  

The food donations were enough to feed up to 7 families this week.  I would love to do so much more and with your help we can! 

Please mail any contributions and or items to:

P.O. BOX 304

If you have any questions, email us at:

All items and donations are tax deductible.

May God keep the ‘jolly’ in your journey out and about this Christmas!  God Bless

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Brenda A. Graff
Food For Soul Magazine