Okay, "focus...focus...focus", is what I kept telling myself all morning. I purposely kept trying to refocus back on the working of the magazine project, yet found myself focusing on finishing laundry, changing out toilet paper dispenser, and picking up used scented dryer sheets off the floor from folding laundry. I focused on making my super food bone marrow broth for the week, and while looking in fridge for ingredients became side-tracked by the overwhelming sight of a squishy mysterious food item shoved in the back wall of fridge, and my OCD kicked in and began cleaning out fridge. Then I noticed ingredients that I had purchased at the Farmer's market a few weeks ago that needed to be cooked before they went bad....and I began a cooking frenzy. So far I have a ginormous pot of snap beans cooking, made ground turkey with chard and bell peppers for tacos later, another crock pot full of broth stewing, and made some guacamole salsa. In between this I have taken phone calls for the magazine, answered a few emails, order supplies, worked on grammar with my homeschooling son for nearly 3 hours, swept floors, made bed, washed dishes, unloaded dishwasher, handled parakeets for a bit, watched the finches play in their bath, hung up clothes from doorknobs, got Hubby's Voter Registration application set to mail, balanced checkbook, sanitized my kitchen table, and counters, cut up apples for my birds, orally tested son on his science project of frogs, chased my runaway bandit of birds as they were coasting across the ceramic tile in living room being chased by one of our cats, as the construction crew showed up to work on sealing of our doors, but I did not write, design or work on MAGAZINE! UGH! Now understand I have been up since 5:30 a.m. and it is now 2:02 p.m., and I am just now beginning to write on the blog. I expected it to be a busy day, but I think I put the "busy" in it all alone. There isn't someone with a bull horn shouting at me cook, clean, or do laundry. Yet, the voice in my head screams at me with Memorex levels, "Get it done"! "If you don't do it, then it won't be done right, and you will be just as irritated anyway"...See what I mean...the OCD of it all. It is a time stealer! Things don't have to always be tidy and neat in perfect place. It's okay to go a day without making up a bed. So what if there are a few dishes in the sink unwashed. The floor is going to get dirty once again after all the afternoon traffic. And so what if there is a piece food growing legs and arms in my fridge, as long as the door stays shut, no one will get hurt. So why do I do this to myself? Is this from my mother's OCD? Or my perfectionist father? Am I just insane? Why can't I live with dust bunnies in the corner, or a picture handing slightly off balance? Why is it every time I go to the kitchen cabinet to get something, I have the sudden urge to realign every single item in the cabinet even though I know that once my children touch anything in that cabinet it will all be undone within seconds? This is insanity! I've got to stop. I wonder if there is a support group for Mom's who suffer from disorganized anxiety (MWDA)? There probably is, but Lord knows I wouldn't make it to one meeting, as I would probably get into my vehicle and noticed the torn up styrofoam cup on the passenger floor board from my son, and begin a cleaning spasm inspecting the entire vehicle. Then as I would walk to my trash container to toss the cup... would notice a paper wrapper on the lawn and then make my rounds across the grass inspecting for other objects, then I would stroll over to mail box and gather all the junk mail and start sorting right there by the trashcan. Before I would realize it, the sun would be rising and the morning alarm would sound just in time for me to do it all over again. It's no wonder it takes me forever to make it past my bedroom door as I find unsightly items such as dirty socks, muddy shoes, snack wrappers thrown on the floor along with my child's chewed up action figures (the dogs snack), and then there are the extension cords scattered out from my daughter's cell phone marathons where she has to stay charged. "Put them back PLEASE!" Well, tomorrow is another day God-willing and I will just have to bridle my focus and put blinders on and head straight to computer when I get up, no making up beds, no worrying about the floors, and I'll just toss the dishes and buy disposable....there that's the answer...I wonder if they make disposable clothing? That sure would save me some laundry time. Tune in tomorrow for more Graffiti.