Friday, November 21, 2014

The Four Laws Of God’s Blessing

The Four Laws Of God’s Blessing

We have 20 people served in our campaign for Water for Life! I know we can do better then that! Only $4.80 to help 1 child! What can you sacrifice for less then $5 to LITERALLY save a life? A trip to McD's, a Starbucks special? That's less then .70 cents a day? You can probably find that change buried in a sofa, or thrown in the ashtray/cup of a car, perhaps at the bottom of a purse. I realize that some are hesitant to donate. There are so many scams, it has hurt true organizations that make a difference. I also hear the fact that with all the U.S. issues, people don't want to help overseas.. Not only are you helping save lives all over the world with building wells for clean uncontaminated water for these folks, but you in turn are helping the U.S. by helping to prevent and stamp out viruses like Ebola.  Ebola virus has been found in African monkeys, chimps and other nonhuman primates. Transmission occurred from animals to humans through infected animal's bodily fluids. Examples include: Waste products. Through feces or urine. These children are drinking water that is DEFECATED in by animals. They are bathing in it, families are cooking with it! That's all they have as a source. The wells being built stop the spread of unnecessary illness and death WORLDWIDE, including here in the United States. Isn't it worth $4.80 to prevent disease? I challenge everyone, no I plead with everyone to dig a little deeper in your spare change and help dig a well. Click on link to watch video.

FOOD FOR SOUL MAGAZINE has signed up for a campaign to help raise funds for those that need our help. Our goal is $5,000 and WE NEED YOUR HELP!