How Do You Dance….
When You Can’t Hear the Music?
The ballroom was set before me. The Maestro was waiting for all to be seated and quiet. I entered the room with much excitement to meet my dance partner, my King, the Maker of everything. I charged across the floor excited to bow down before Him, but then I stumbled. Falling flat on my face, humiliated, and ashamed...I tried to lift myself up. Frustrated, I tried to untangle the torn garments that clothed me. Dusting off my knees I tried to stand on my own strength in hopes to show everyone that it was nothing but a little bruise. Yet, as I was dusting off my knees noticed the deep gash that left me bloodied and limping towards my Savior. My legs trembled so badly I fell once more. The agony from the fall kept me fastened to the ground…unable to lift myself up this time. In horror I looked across the room as onlookers were in disgust pointing fingers. “How could she have fallen so hard”? Covering my face in shame, I crawled to my Master’s feet desperate and feeling defeated. Crying to my King, “I can’t get up, the pain is too great”. As I looked up for a brief moment I noticed Him looking at me. Ashamed, I turned my head away in an effort to escape rejection I might face. Suddenly, I felt this tender brush against my cheek ushering me to look up once more. Turning my eyes towards my King, I was exposed. He saw every bruise, bump, and bloodstained tear in my soul. He led me to gaze at the wounds over the years, the scars left as reminders of what He had already brought me through. He then turned opening his hands exposing the nail scarred marks on his wrist,and said, “My daughter arise, put your hand in mine.” And He lifted me up off the ground within moments He was balancing me as we sashayed across the dance floor with one waltzing stride at a time. My legs became sturdier with arms swaying freely to the melody of MERCY; He supported me. The sting of injuries began to fade as I focused on the dance. We then tangoed to another floor to the tune of TRUTH, which led us straight into a foxtrot of FELLOWSHIP. He spun me round and round like a ballerina into BELIEF. My Savior said, “You will no longer do the rumba of regret”. He lullabied me into a desire to live as He quickly let go for a brief moment. Taking my hand once more he drew me close with His adoration as we spun some more. Holding hands we jitter-bugged all the way to Jesus favorite jingle, “JESUS LOVES ME…This I know”. The Holy Spirit joined in as the three of us trotted to the tempo of travail keeping me steadfast. I didn’t want the dance to end. The Master had guided me across the tightrope of turmoil. He’d shown me the pirouettes of PURPOSE and a reason to keep in rhythm with the RIGHTEOUSNESS of GOD. The sound of silence tried to stop my feet from dancing, but he urged me to dance even when I couldn’t hear the music.