Wednesday, December 10, 2014


I've had to take a lot of slow breaths this year.  It’s been a difficult one.  Life happens, and it surely happened this year with one episode after another between family illness, crisis, sad news, and funerals.  Yet, I had tried to focus on finishing a book I had been writing.  It’s a lengthy process with editing, query letters, and submissions. This is no easy task when you live in an environment with chronic interruption.

I need peace and quiet to focus on any writing project.  As I was typing this, my family was asleep; therefore, I had a silent abode…until the cats discovered the pounding of the keys, the dogs began stretching, birds chirping, and my daughter strolled in to make hot chocolate.  It was Saturday for goodness sake!  Everyone should have been sleeping in.  It’s ironic how I can hardly get everyone up during a work week, but as soon as I sit down to write while the sun hasn't blinked an eye on the rise, they wake up in droves flocking to the kitchen…which is where I write.
This is where I plug into instrumental music, or sounds of ocean waves using my ear buds to escape the commotion. I keep writing as I try to drown out the drones of clanking dishes, kid squabbles, dogs barking, birds chirping, the cat’s nagging meows, and hubby questioning me, “Where’s the creamer?” while staring into the fridge puzzled as if viewing the infamous “Where’s Waldo?” book. And sadly, it’s in front of his face!  "Dude get your magnifying glasses! Oh, that's right, you can't find them".

It’s exasperating sometimes.  Actually, it’s disheartening to have a passion for an activity that is constantly put on the back burner due to responsibilities, whether a job, parenting, caring for the ill, or housework.  It is never easy being a mom or wife!  If it is for some, then they either have hired help, disposable dishes, self-destructing dust bunnies, and mobile shower unit to their child’s bedroom, or rarely home.  Plus, their husband’s are GPS programmed to find anything anywhere (as wives/moms are) a-n-d they DON’T snore! 

Choosing to stay home to raise or home-school a child isn't an easy decision.  There are no breaks, little to none adult time, or much conversation with someone taller than 4 feet for some.  It can be very isolating, especially when most of the women you know are past child rearing years. I’m a grandmother twice and nearly into retirement years!  By the time my youngest graduates, I will probably be searching for my misplaced false teeth, sitting in the wrong car at a neighbor’s house waiting to get to ceremony, or having difficulty with my depends staying in place. 

There are days I wake up already frustrated knowing the battles lined up for me.  Before my feet ever touch the floor, I sense my breath becoming heavier with each sigh. I gingerly place that first foot to ground thinking to myself, “Do I dare get out of bed?  Lord, Jesus you have got to help me today…I can’t do this… but you can”, I pray.  There are other days that are invigorating, exciting, and I am overwhelmed with gladness and feel God’s presence so strong, nothing phased me.  Oh, how I wish it could be like that every day. 

To be able to bask in God’s presence in every stride of a day would be such splendor.  Sometimes, I wish there were a wall around me where nothing; not the cares of this world, or foolish acting people could get in between my Abba Father (Daddy) and I.  I cherish those moments with God when all is still, and I can just breathe in His mercy, love, patience, kindness, and peace. 

Even as I wrote this, I could hardly hold the tears back. I had one of those moments with God.  Oh, how He loves us.  I could feel His wings of peace surround me. In His presence I am safe, and nothing I have to face today can take away from that.  I’m not proud of the fact that I can sometimes become frazzled over circumstances beyond my control.  In those moments, it is usually that I have taken my eyes off my refuge and strength, who is also my Creator.

It is when I allow the noise of this world’s negativity, selfishness, and arrogance scream volumes in my ears.  The only sound we need to focus on, are the echoes of our Master’s hush.  It is being still and quiet in those moments when everything around you is pounding pandemonium.

Psalm 46:10 
He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”

God is King, and a King creator.  There is no one or anything greater, or more powerful than He. Not a stubborn teen, demanding spouse, belligerent boss, or bill collector can take away the breath of His presence, strength, and beauty. 

We need to remember this every time we are weighed down with the characteristics of a careless driver, over-zealous tongue with injuring words, a voice on the phone bringing bad news, or tension threatens to topple over everything in our tents. 

Breathe…breathe in the presence of God. Breathe in His serenity, hope, and strength.  It is the breath that brings you to life with joy, and laughter.  It is at times the breath we take in that when captivated by the awesomeness of God, we become keenly aware of his autonomy (self-sufficiency).  He’s got it!  He doesn't need our help. 

We don’t need to be overwhelmed.   We just need to breath…breathe in Him…where we are renewed, strengthened, and brought to life.  It’s better than hyperventilating your way through havoc.  Just breathe.

There are many Hebrew definitions of the word "Breathe", but one that stood out to me most was this one:

'abah aw-baw' :--consent, rest content will, be willing.

We have to choose, be deliberately breathe in God to experience contentment.  When we do this, we are submitting, giving God permission to put us in His presence of peace.

Ezekiel 37:5
This is what the Lord God says to these bones: I will cause breath to enter you, and you will live.

Ezekiel 37:9
He said to me, “Prophesy to the breath, prophesy, son of man. Say to it: This is what the Lord God says: Breath, come from the four winds and breathe into these slain so that they may live!”

Job 33:4
The Spirit of God has made me, and the breath of the Almighty gives me life.

Listen to song from link below:

Brenda A. Graff
Founder of Food For Soul Magazine