Thursday, November 13, 2014

Everyone is getting pumped about the holidays. The weather is turning colder, folks tracking down the perfect turkey, trees being decorated, lights strung, and Christmas music on the air.  

Perhaps your getting ready to travel, or set out your best china for family.  You view your shopping list and check the head count twice...making sure you have plenty of eats for everyone.  Could you imagine arriving home with your goods prepared to cook, and find there was no running water?  

Or have fifty plus family members arrive with no running toilets?  Imagine being unable to bath, wash your clothes, or take a drink of fresh clean water.  Picture your child weeping for just a sip to quench their thirst, and the only drink you can offer, is a diseased stream of defecation from animals. 

Then think of the agony of holding your disease ridden and dying child.  

What would you be willing to do to change this?

Here in America we have the luxury of not having to experience such unnecessary tragedy, yet we see it taken for granite...half full water bottles thrown on the ground, poured down a sink like its nothing, overflowing in hydrant leaks...precious clean running water.

Watch this inspiring video with Marc Owens, James and Betty Robinson, and others:


What can you do?  Much even with little.  People all over the world are living like this.  We need your help.  For under $5.00 you can make a difference. Please partner with Food For Soul Magazine in our campaign to provide the means to build wells for these families.  We do not collect any of these funds, they go straight to the organization with Life Today.  To read more CLICK below: