Saturday, November 1, 2014

You made me so happy, God HOW MAGNIFICENT your work, GodI saw your work and I shouted for joy. -Psalms 92:4

What a beautiful, crisp, cool morning here in Texas!  Woke up to a low of 45 degrees!  Now that makes me happy!  If you don't live in just don't understand it gets HOT! Really...really hot. It is a rarity to celebrate Thanksgiving with cool weather. Whether this weather last long or not...I am just thankful!  My dogs are running around like something great has happened...YES...YES...YES no more panting in sweltering temperatures!!!!! Fall is finally here! It is my absolute most favorite season of the year.  The smell of fireplaces burning, Christmas lights begin to shine through the streets, hot cocoa in the mornings, a steaming pot of chicken an dumplings sits on stove for the first time of the year, bread making aroma permeates the home front, and the parks and byways are decorated with unbelievable beauty with every changing leaf....Thank you God for your expressive works of art! -Brenda