Monday, February 16, 2015

Sticks and Stones


This month, I had the pleasure of attending an IF Gathering. It was where a group of women from all different churches, and backgrounds gathered to become more equipped in their walk with Christ. It was a time of learning, and healing as we unveiled in front of one another the matters of our hearts. It was so powerfully inspiring, and life changing for thousands globally with over 68,000 in attendance to watch simulcast. It was a profound lesson of faith walking. 

It is difficult these days to walk in faith when you see the heinous things happening in our world. We might ask where is God? Why isn't he stopping it? To ask these questions are not unusual. 
We are human, and it is difficult to imagine how a powerful loving God can allow for tragedy to keep happening. We find what is being reported in the news frightening, discouraging, or shocking at times. How can a person have faith in a world with so many tragedies? God never intended for this to be. However, He loved us SO much, He gave us FREE WILL.

His plans allowed for a rebellious nature to occur, simply on the basis that He has given free will. Would you as a parent, want your child to be forced to say, "I love you", knowing they can’t stand the very sight of you? Would you want to be married to someone who demanded your love and respect?

No! Not in the least…therefore, God doesn’t force us to love Him. Yet, He loves us (SO) much that He desires for us to be with Him always. This is where the eternity speaks volumes compared to the temporary messed up selves we have here on earth. -Food For Soul Magazine, "Oh How He Loves Us" -article, Feb.14, 20015
It's like giving a child the pick of candy in a store, and they grab the whole bag!  He gave us the choice of right or wrong.  Sadly, some choose the whole bag of wickedness.
We believe these events are just now occurring on earth. Yet, in reality, if everyone sat down and really read the scriptures, what we see happening has been happening since the beginning of man-kind. Some scenes in the Bible are not only violent, but graphically speak of tragedies unfolding. It was a true account of the ugly truth about the evilness of some of man-kind. 

The only difference is now we have the news media to blast it all over, every gory detail of it. I have to shut it off sometimes.

Now back to the IF Gathering. I learned that not only is our God loving by the testimony of women who shared their tragic stories of loss, and pain, but how faith in small measures can change much.

God used a stone through the faith of one small boy to kill a giant.
He used a stick to show signs and wonders through a stuttering man of faith.

By faith, Aaron and Moses used a stick which turned into a snake.

He used a stone for a pillow in Jacob's faith, which became an alter unto God the ROCK of our salvation.

He used a stone as an example of mercy and grace.

He used stone to teach us from right and wrong.
He used the gathering of sticks to show a widow of God's provision.

He used sticks to illustrate ONE NATION UNDER GOD
IF GOD...can use sticks and stones to illustrate what Faith can do when we believe even as the grain of a mustard seed...

Then why do we not pray? What IF we prayed for a world in turmoil? 
What IF we prayed for our country's leaders to hear and know the heart of God? What would happen... IF we prayed for Christian martyrs worldwide who have believed enough to lay down their lives? IF God can save Paul the Apostle, who once killed hundreds of Christians, and use him to spread the gospel...that is still spreading to this day 100's of years later...then why? Oh why? Can we not believe that these torchers can be saved too?

What would happen IF we believe that death has lost its sting? Understanding that Jesus the Author and Finisher of our FAITH proved with the rolling away of one stone HE LIVES....and now sits on the right-hand of GOD!

God used a stone to show victory over death!
The world may be in mayhem, and lives are being affected globally, but we need to trust in the Lord who is our only EVERLASTING ROCK! A STONE UNMOVEABLE!
Isaiah 26:4

"Trust in the LORD forever, For in GOD the LORD, we have an everlasting Rock.

Psalms 62:6

He only is my rock and my salvation, My stronghold; I shall not be shaken.

Sticks and stones may break our bones, but by HIS throne, not even death can hurt me. -Selah
Brenda A. Graff