The other day, I noticed Tiger, the Alpha male in our family of pets was lounging in an office chair. Sprawled out and looking cozy. He hadn't a care in the world. I thought to myself, "Oh to be a cat". Tiger doesn't worry about whether the stock market is going to drop, or if the rent is going up. He could care less if the Kardashians are splitting up, or if Syria is splitting hairs.
Tiger is perfectly content with laying in that chair and resting. Oh to rest. What would it mean to actually take some time to relax, and to stop and smell the roses? Yet, we often find ourselves so busy with our to-do's...we don't.
Resting has many meanings. Rest is something I am having to learn. I think since I was a child, I've been in "production mode" with the exception of a few unconscious teen years. If I am not moving, then I'm wasting time, I often thought. Always thinking there isn't enough time left, got to get 'er done now mentality, "why put off tomorrow what you can do today".
I think this is where the A-type personality comes into play. The perfectionism that drives people insane! I can blame it on the month I was born in, my parents, school teachers, or perhaps even Sunday school...yet, the truth is...I have no one to blame but myself.
You may ask yourself, how did I get here? When did I stop enjoying life? Who busted the bubble of blatant laughter? Who stole my happy? At what age were we told to be all grown up and take every moment so serious we choke the life out of living? Seriously, how do we get to that place....the place of rest? What does rest mean? Is it to nap, vacation, meditation, or just to have unadulterated fun?
Out of curiosity, I began digging into the meaning just a little further.
The Webster's dictionary defines it as:noun \ˈrest\ REST : repose, sleep; specifically : a bodily state characterized by minimal functional and metabolic activities, freedom from activity or labor, a state of motionlessness or inactivity, the repose of death.
verb: to stop doing work or an activity : to spend time relaxing, sleeping, or doing nothing after you have been active or doing work : to give rest to (someone) : to stop using (something) so that it can become strong again
Yes, part of it speaks of actual sleep, but notice something here. I loved the meaning in the verb sense where it states: to stop using (something) so that it can become strong again
Recently, I had developed a condition with my vocal chords, unlike I had ever experienced. I had been practicing much for our upcoming worship service. In practicing, and then singing for service that following Sunday, I managed to strip my vocals, causing much pain, and swelling. It was so bad I had to go to ER. I am not a "run-to-a-doctor-every-time-I-get-an-ache" type of patient. I like to handle things as best naturally and when all else fails run like Forest Gump for care.
Unfortunately, I couldn't treat this one. I was having difficulty swallowing, couldn't talk, and certainly was not going to be able to sing again, if not taken care of. So I bit the bullet and went in to be put on steroids, and antibiotics as a secondary issue set in when I had caused the vocals to bleed. The doctor said to let my voice rest! It needed to recover to produce the ability to sing and talk again. No yelling deafening demands at the kids, Hubby, or pets....and certainly NO SINGING for a few days.
I was mortified because I had an upcoming Women's Bible study to lead and only a few days to get the voice back. Fortunately, the meds and rest worked. And I am able to sing again.
In Leviticus 25, it speaks of the Sabbath year, and following with the year of Jubilee. During this time God had instructed Moses to speak to the Israelites regarding rest. He commanded them to take a sabbatical. There was a period of time in which they were commanded to allow the land to rest as well. He assured them, that during this resting period the land would still provide plenty of nourishment for consumption.
4 But in the seventh year the land is to have a year of sabbath rest, a sabbath to the Lord. Do not sow your fields or prune your vineyards. 5 Do not reap what grows of itself or harvest the grapes of your untended vines. The land is to have a year of rest.
It had to rest so it could produce more!
So often, people get too busy trying to climb the ladder, produce children of productivity, run a ministry marathon, or push the plate to plenty...they miss the joy in the journey. We catch ourselves running from one sports activity to another, or racing against the traffic and clock to meet the demands of a job, family, or a community of needs that leaves us breathless. Zombied out on lack of sleep, caffeine, and dangling nerves, leads to NO JOY, and NO REST! And it makes us cranky Christians!
Have you ever been around one? They walk around without any expression on their face, or looking like some kind of an ogre.
Or they are too busy being busy for God, and your just in the way....as they rush past you to get to their mission. Boy, that sure makes me want to know more about their loving God. Not good. (P.s. apologies to my Pastor's wife as I have side-swiped her at least 3 x's), ugh God forgive me.
There is so much more to the meaning of rest. Sometimes resting means to just stand still, be silent, wait (as on the Lord), stop striving, lay it down, STAND FIRM, to RELEASE! Let it go...as the theme from "Frozen" proclaims.
Lay down your anger..."GIVE IT A REST", cut-off jealousy, resentment, bitterness, and unforgiveness as it only causes "DIS-EASE"...literally!
Just read below:
Negative Health Effects of UnforgivenessWhen unforgiveness persists, the prolonged anger involved heightens a person’s medical risk. In fact, prolonged anger can make people 500% more likely to die before the age of 50. Anger triggers the body’s "fight-or-flight" response, creating hyper-arousal in the body in order to cope with a perceived crisis. The resulting stress on the body mimics amphetamine intake, raising blood pressure, speeding heart rate, and depressing the body’s immune response in order to focus on the threat of the moment. Over time, these responses cause negative health effects in the body, as these natural responses exist for too long when unforgiveness lingers. As a result, those harboring grudges experience increased risks of heart disease, cancer, and stroke. The negative health effects of unforgiveness can also have negative effects on the brain. Studies have shown that even low-level resentment and anger tend to lower cognitive function and problem-solving capacity. Additionally, unforgiveness can lead to anxiety disorders, depression, and shame.
So as you see, rest isn't just about taking a physical sabbitcal. It is a spiritual one as well.
Proverb 18:14
"The spirit of a man will sustain his infirmity; but a wounded spirit who can bear?"We must learn to forgive, set aside, put down, and relieve our hearts of harboring resentments. Give IT a rest!
Mark 11:25-26
And when ye are praying, forgive, if ye have ought against any: that your Father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses. But if ye do not forgive, neither will your Father which is in heaven forgive your trespasses.
For a moment, just close your eyes, plug into some ocean wave sounds. This is a site I use, and let the stress of the roll off my shoulders.
Don't be a Martha (Luke 10:38-42).
God is calling us to sit in His presence and learn of His ways and rest on Him. He wants us to be confident in His ability to handle whatever may come. When we don't rest, we are basically saying to God, "Sorry, guy...your just taking too long, and quite frankly, I don't believe you can handle the job"... Oh dear God, forgive us! What a total slap in the face of the Almighty! The one who created, pre-orchestrated, and sacrificed SOOOO MUCH for us! He wants us to have the peace that passes all understanding, and the only possible way to do that is to, abide, trust, depend on, rely, and REST IN HIM!
It means choosing a radical Sabbatical! Be purposeful in your time, but take the time to REST, RELAX, and be RESTORED! If need be, watch video at end and let the kid in you sing your way into rest.
It means choosing a radical Sabbatical! Be purposeful in your time, but take the time to REST, RELAX, and be RESTORED! If need be, watch video at end and let the kid in you sing your way into rest.
-Brenda A. Graff
Here are a few Hebrew meanings of REST:
After searching further the meaning of rest in Hebrew I found the following:'abah aw-baw': be willing.dmiy dem-ee' or domiy {dom-ee'}:cutting off, silence.damam daw-man': quiet self, be silent, be (stand) still, tarry, wait.hanachah han-aw-khaw': release.chadal khaw-dal': let alone, be unoccupied.
chanah khaw-naw': to pitch a tent; to encamp.marge`ah mar-gay-aw': refreshing.nuwach noo'-akh: set downcamak saw-mak':stand fast, stay (self), sustain.sha'an shaw-an': be at ease, be quiet.shabath shaw-bath': desist from exertionshalowm shaw-lome' or shalom {shaw-lome'}: well, happy, friendly; health, prosperity, peace