Friday, November 28, 2014


Wednesday, November 26, 2014

JOHN 1:5

"We must pray for our country, pray for peace, pray for the hurting, and violence to cease" 

Friday, November 21, 2014

The Four Laws Of God’s Blessing

The Four Laws Of God’s Blessing

We have 20 people served in our campaign for Water for Life! I know we can do better then that! Only $4.80 to help 1 child! What can you sacrifice for less then $5 to LITERALLY save a life? A trip to McD's, a Starbucks special? That's less then .70 cents a day? You can probably find that change buried in a sofa, or thrown in the ashtray/cup of a car, perhaps at the bottom of a purse. I realize that some are hesitant to donate. There are so many scams, it has hurt true organizations that make a difference. I also hear the fact that with all the U.S. issues, people don't want to help overseas.. Not only are you helping save lives all over the world with building wells for clean uncontaminated water for these folks, but you in turn are helping the U.S. by helping to prevent and stamp out viruses like Ebola.  Ebola virus has been found in African monkeys, chimps and other nonhuman primates. Transmission occurred from animals to humans through infected animal's bodily fluids. Examples include: Waste products. Through feces or urine. These children are drinking water that is DEFECATED in by animals. They are bathing in it, families are cooking with it! That's all they have as a source. The wells being built stop the spread of unnecessary illness and death WORLDWIDE, including here in the United States. Isn't it worth $4.80 to prevent disease? I challenge everyone, no I plead with everyone to dig a little deeper in your spare change and help dig a well. Click on link to watch video.

FOOD FOR SOUL MAGAZINE has signed up for a campaign to help raise funds for those that need our help. Our goal is $5,000 and WE NEED YOUR HELP!

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Is looking for dedicated, Advertising Agents.
You must have unlimited nationwide calling. Access to a computer and email. Background checks will be conducted on the basis of integrity and safety for our team and clients.  This is on an independent contractual basis.  Due to the nature of this business, and the organizations we sometimes represent, we are asking for individuals with a strong desire in helping others.  Our magazine helps raise funds for different causes globally.  If you are interested, please email your resume to:



The other night as I was preparing dinner, my kids came running to me with concerns over a stray cat that landed on our doorstep.  Now mind you, we have adopted, and sheltered many animals over the years.  We now own two dogs, 4 birds, 3 cats, and 3 fish....and possibly a partridge in a pear tree...I've lost count.  

I quickly reminded the children that we could not afford to take in another stray.  It was not only costly, but time-consuming.  My daughter's response was, "But mom, its cold..its shaking".  "Ugh", I responded "Put a warm blanket outside on the porch"  My son says, "Mom...I think its injured".  "Ugh"....I had made up my mind I was not going to cave this time.  The kids would own a farm if they could.  The problem is, I usually end up being the one caring for them. 

The children forget often.  I would have fish floating at the top of our tank by now, if I didn't feed them.  The (teen and tween) are not as responsible when it comes to pets lately, too many distractions, and other interest.  I've joked about letting them go without water or food for a day, to see how they would feel, but that would be child abuse.  I just want them to learn that these pets need taken care of.  They can't just hop on a sink and fill their water bowl.  Or open a can of moist and meaty.  Although, according to YouTube...there are some that can.  Can you imagine a fish trying to turn the lid on a jar of fish flakes?  The point is, that I didn't want to bring in another animal that would not be taken care of properly adding the burden on my husband and I.  We both have enough on our plate already trying to manage what we have.  

Yet, I felt the tugging on my heart to check out this supposed injured feline, especially after my daughter stated she would give up her cell phone just to bring it in.  "It must really be hurt", I thought. "" I protested as I walked to the front door.  Opening door cautiously, I came face to face with this poor little creature staring at me like "Puss-n-Boots" from Shrek. The huge teary eyes, crying "take me in".  

I quickly shut the door for a brief moment, telling myself...absolutely NOT!  I opened it again, and crouched down to look at it closer, and noticed despite its thick long hair, had a bony underneath. The poor thing was starving.  It had a series of scratches from a fight.  I was concerned with fleas, lice, mange, parasites, and rabies affecting our other pets, and our children.  After all, we didn't know where this cat had been. And our last medical bill of over $300 was spent on my daughter from contracting "Cat Scratch Fever" from a stray kitten she picked up.   We  spent much on vet bills making sure our animals were all fixed, shots, treated, and prevented for all of the above.  I especially, did not want another cat! The 3 we have now, just eat, poop, and drag dead mice to back porch,  and meowing at Memorex levels before 5 a.m.!  

However, I couldn't leave the pleading pet outside.  I projected feelings of, "What if it were me".  We brought it in, quickly, bathe wiped it, treated for fleas, and prayed for the best.  Nurse Amanda, and Doctor two little feens who wormed this cat into the house, treated the scratches, fed it,  and put it to bed.  Though troubled by the addition temporary or not, I felt better knowing we saved the little fur ball from freezing or starving to death. 

When I was reading from the book of Jeremiah this morning, was surprised when I ran across a verse that suddenly grabbed my attention.

Jeremiah 1:11-12 (NCV)
The Lord spoke his word to me, saying: “Jeremiah, what do you see?”  I answered, “I see a stick of almond wood.”  12 The Lord said to me, “You have seen correctly, because I am watching to make sure my words come true.”

Now you may ask, what does this verse have to do with saving a stray?

In the Easton's Bible dictionary it states that the almond tree blossoms usually during January or near the end of winter months.  

The Hebrew root meaning:  Almond (a'-mund) means to "watch" or "wait"

In reading the passage, what caught my attention is.... I was reminded that God is always watching, even during the bitter, and cold winter nights.  He watches to make sure His words come true, 

He watches when a bird falls to the ground, (Matthew 10:29-31) He even watches for those He created with four legs (Hebrews 4:13) He knew exactly where to send that injured, fur-ball feline. He knew that there was no way that neither my husband, or I would absolutely turn it away.  

If God can watch over a small creature as such, and direct its path to safety...then why can't we trust Him with our lives? Trust Him in our pain?  Trust Him with our marriage?  Trust Him with our children?  Trust Him with our jobs?  Trust Him in our giving?   or Trust Him with our heart?     

Proverbs 3:5-6(NCV)
Trust the Lord with all your heart, and don’t depend on your own understanding.  6 Remember the Lord in all you do,  and he will give you success.

Listen to and watch video link below:


FOOD FOR SOUL has partnered with WATER FOR LIFE in building wells worldwide!  Please visit our website, we need YOUR HELP...for as little as $4.80 YOU can help provide clean water for a child for the rest of his or her life!

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

I woke this morning with much anticipation.  I was ever so grateful just to be alive.  At first, I was hesitant, it was f-r-e-e-z-i-n-g.  My body longed to stay in the warmth of my comforter.

I covered up once more...body protesting to arise. However, I was reminded of sad news I received the night before. A beloved women my children and I had cherished had passed. She was one of the strongest women I have EVER met!  I couldn't stay in bed anymore.

She had been battling stage 4 cancer for the past few years. In and out of hospitals, on and off chemo, back and forth in illness, yet NEVER would you find her wallowing in a sea of self-pity.

She served for as long as possible with the youth in ministry despite the ill affects of treatment.  She knew she had purpose.  She attended Bible studies, church services, and functions.  She knew she made a difference. She traveled across states to be with her children, and grand-babies.  She knew she was needed.

She chose to live to the fullest despite.  Though her body was frail, and thinning face shown wear of cancer, she still had the biggest smile!  Perhaps she knew...she would be with her Father soon.
The Godly attributes witnessed caused me to take a close look at myself. Diagnosed with fybromyalgia 11 years ago, osteoarthritis of the spine, and a botched ankle surgery. has caused a chronic state of pain for me, for several years. I don't do pain meds, so I hurt often.  

But in knowing my dear fellow sister in Christ who was such a giver, not a taker...and someone who cared deeply about others, changed my perspective greatly.  

I have my good days, and then I have the excruciating ones. However,  every time I felt the urge to stay in bed, I thought of Andrea, when I felt I couldn't take another step, I thought of Andrea, When I felt I couldn't sit for hours working at the computer, thought of Andrea, when I was too tired to attend church, thought of Andrea, when overwhelmed with my children, thought of Andrea, when feeling depressed over lack of healing, thought of Andrea.  When I didn't feel I had much to give, thought of Andrea.  When I was in too much pain to drive a distance to help someone in need, I thought of Andrea.  When I wanted to give up, I thought of Andrea.

I would ask myself, "Did God wake you up this morning? Has he given you the ability to dress yourself? Are you able to stand, walk, sit, see, feel, touch, smell, or hear?  Can you hug your kids?  Kiss your spouse?  Prepare a meal?"  Yes, Lord Yes....thank God yes!

If a women who managed to show love, and be used as an instrument of Christ despite her disease could...then I could too.  In so doing, it has caused a relentless effort to do my best in everything, and appreciate every moment God gives me to live. Time is a precious commodity!  I thank God for the opportunity of meeting one of the most amazing women in the world.  I know that her legacy of hope, strength, and love of Christ will continue long after.  God must have known that I needed to see her to see me.  She knew to do as God willed regardless of her circumstances. She knew to keep going until her purpose had been fulfilled through Him.  I hope she knows someday how she affected others, and because of the love shown, they now know God.  

When I hear this song, I will think of Andrea.... "Lord let them see You in me" we saw You in her.  

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Everyone is getting pumped about the holidays. The weather is turning colder, folks tracking down the perfect turkey, trees being decorated, lights strung, and Christmas music on the air.  

Perhaps your getting ready to travel, or set out your best china for family.  You view your shopping list and check the head count twice...making sure you have plenty of eats for everyone.  Could you imagine arriving home with your goods prepared to cook, and find there was no running water?  

Or have fifty plus family members arrive with no running toilets?  Imagine being unable to bath, wash your clothes, or take a drink of fresh clean water.  Picture your child weeping for just a sip to quench their thirst, and the only drink you can offer, is a diseased stream of defecation from animals. 

Then think of the agony of holding your disease ridden and dying child.  

What would you be willing to do to change this?

Here in America we have the luxury of not having to experience such unnecessary tragedy, yet we see it taken for granite...half full water bottles thrown on the ground, poured down a sink like its nothing, overflowing in hydrant leaks...precious clean running water.

Watch this inspiring video with Marc Owens, James and Betty Robinson, and others:


What can you do?  Much even with little.  People all over the world are living like this.  We need your help.  For under $5.00 you can make a difference. Please partner with Food For Soul Magazine in our campaign to provide the means to build wells for these families.  We do not collect any of these funds, they go straight to the organization with Life Today.  To read more CLICK below:

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Not Forgotten

One morning as I was going about my usual routine of feeding our pets, I noticed that my zebra finches were not singing as boisterously as usual.  I was hesitant to uncover their cages, afraid of what I might find.  

A few months back we had lost one of our females during delivery of an egg.  It was so sad, the male wasn't singing that morning. We found him quietly resting by her already stiffened body, refusing to leave.  It was heart wrenching to lose her.  

She had painstakingly carried those eggs, and we were looking forward to watching them hatch.  Apparently, Spencer, her mate for life...was too.  We immediately went that day and purchased another finch, but a male this time.  We knew he was hurting over his loss. 

We brought in one that was much younger then he, and named him Simon.  They didn't hit it off right away, but in time they were best buds, building nest, and sleeping together on the plush flooring they put together in their new globe we installed.  After a while, we acquired a male parakeet, named Mango.  Mango seemed a little lonely, so I bought him a female, named Sky.  

Now the finches, Spencer and Simon seemed a little miffed not having a, you guessed it, I bought them their mates, Dodie and Sandy.  

Immediately the pairs became impregnated, and we have had more then a dozen eggs or so laid since.  However, one afternoon noticed that Spencer, and Simon were becoming extremely territorial and I had to separate the couples.  This was difficult since it was hard to tell whose partner was whose, or which eggs belonged to who.  However, there were sure tell tale signs of pecking marks on both youngest male and female.  We took the youngest and moved them to their own housing. 

Everything seemed fine. The pairs were matched, all was good, nesting still going on, and singing like crazy.  Yet, that morning as I lifted the cover off the cages, noticed the young ones missing.  I thought maybe they were deeply buried in their own nest, and or one had died, but no...they were just gone!  Like Houdini, disappeared.  How could this be?  We do have cats, but they can't reach into the cage and snatch them up.
I had them hanging out side in the sunshine for a bit the prior day, when my husband brought the cages in.  He didn't notice they were missing, and I certainly didn't examine the cage.  The cover had been put in place and didn't give it a second thought...till that next morning.  I thought maybe somehow the feeder window was left cracked and they got out through there.  I started to put the other pair of finches outside, so Simon and Sandy would fly back to the sound of familiarity.  A male finch never forgets his father's song according to scientist and other studies.  And since Spencer had basically become Simon's caregiver, thought maybe he could draw him in...and in turn Simon could draw in his mate.  

However, it was the morning of our first real cold front.  It was too cold to put any of the birds outside.  I couldn't leave their nest of eggs outside either, they would never survive.  My husband had suggested I leave them out believing that surely the mother would come back.  I placed their open cage outside with birdseed, and water in hopes they would fly back.  Yet, I knew it was much too late.  They were gone.  I cried briefly, worried about them.  How would they survive the cold?  What about food?  They've never had to hunt for food.  Oh, and the cats. 

What if they get viciously attacked?  "Oh, Lord please protect my babies?" I cried.   Nonetheless, sick with worry as the temperatures were dropping that day....I prayed for my little feather friends to come home to safety and security of their warm cages.   As I was stressing over their departure, God reminded me of a passage I had read the week prior.

Luke: 12:6-7 
Are not five sparrows sold for two farthings, and not one of them is forgotten before God? 7 But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows. 

Did you catch that?  NOT ONE is forgotten!  I took this very personal as I read it aloud to myself once more.  I am one of many in this world, and yet NOT even I am forgotten.  My precious finches are not forgotten either. 

He knows where they are, and will take care of them.  After all, He created them, He knows what they have need of.  And I'm guessing they never forget their Father's song.  

Yet sometimes we as humans do.  We forget our Father's song of hope, redemption, mercy, peace, love, encouragement, and strength.  As humans we forget that we have not been forgotten.  Our God is perfectly aware of every single one of us, every creation, every insect, animal, flower, mountain, and valley.  

He feels, and He holds our tears…He keeps track of them (Psalm 56:8) just as a loving parent does.  Do you not feel pain when you see your child hurting?  I remember when we had to take our youngest for blood test as a toddler, and his tiny hand would not take the overly large needle the nurse repeatedly kept sticking him with.  I couldn't believe the rage in my husband’s eyes and nearly in tears as he watched his son cry in pain.  

When my son was five he was rushed to the emergency room hemorrhaging from a head injury at school, I was terrified!  My son was in pain,losing blood, and losing strength.  My heart pounded in my chest, my breathing was on hold…Is he going to be okay? Is he going to make it?  

Do you not think that God’s sitting there watching us as we deal with difficult circumstances? He is on the sidelines saying, “Come on…you can get through this…live…I say LIVE! Don’t allow the enemy to steal your joy, divert you from my plan, fill you with fear, shut you down, paralyze the love I have instilled you! Listen to My voice, to My song!"

John 10:27
My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.

We sometimes may feel that God has forgotten us when we are suffering.  It may feel as if He has totally abandoned us.  Just as I think my poor birds may be feeling out in the cold with me unable to reach them.  My heart still longs for them.  Just like God, I haven't moved anywhere...I'm still here...prepared to welcome them home, to love them to safety...they just can't see me.  They've chosen to live away.  I can't force them to fly into my hands.  They've forgotten how warm, and safe they had it. 

They won't have the endless supply of their fruitful treats handed to them without effort.  I will never forget them, I can't forget what I love, and I loved them.  

And God hasn't forgotten you.  He says, "Come home where there is an endless supply of refreshing water, where you'll never thirst.
Come home to where it is safe, where I can guard your heart. (Philippians 4:7)

John 4:14 
"But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.”

He wants you to know He is still here.  Still watching, and waiting.  He will NEVER forget you!  

Isaiah 49:15 
The Lord answers, “Can a woman forget the baby she nurses? Can she feel no kindness for the child to which she gave birth? Even if she could forget her children, I will not forget you.

Partnered with Ambassadors For Life - Click here to View our campaign


Monday, November 10, 2014

How Do You Dance….

When You Can’t Hear the Music? 

The ballroom was set before me. The Maestro was waiting for all to be seated and quiet. I entered the room with much excitement to meet my dance partner, my King, the Maker of everything.  I charged across the floor excited to bow down before Him, but then I stumbled.  Falling flat on my face, humiliated, and ashamed...I tried to lift myself up.  Frustrated, I tried to untangle the torn garments that clothed me.  Dusting off my knees I tried to stand on my own strength in hopes to show everyone that it was nothing but a little bruise.  Yet, as I was dusting off my knees noticed the deep gash that left me bloodied and limping towards my Savior.  My legs trembled so badly I fell once more. The agony from the fall kept me fastened to the ground…unable to lift myself up this time.  In horror I looked across the room as onlookers were in disgust pointing fingers. “How could she have fallen so hard”?   Covering my face in shame, I crawled to my Master’s feet desperate and feeling defeated.  Crying to my King, “I can’t get up, the pain is too great”. As I looked up for a brief moment I noticed Him looking at me.  Ashamed, I turned my head away in an effort to escape rejection I might face. Suddenly, I felt this tender brush against my cheek ushering me to look up once more. Turning my eyes towards my King, I was exposed.  He saw every bruise, bump, and bloodstained tear in my soul. He led me to gaze at the wounds over the years, the scars left as reminders of what He had already brought me through.  He then turned opening his hands exposing the nail scarred marks on his wrist,and said, “My daughter arise, put your hand in mine.” And He lifted me up off the ground within moments He was balancing me as we sashayed across the dance floor with one waltzing stride at a time.  My legs became sturdier with arms swaying freely to the melody of MERCY; He supported me. The sting of injuries began to fade as I focused on the dance. We then tangoed to another floor to the tune of TRUTH, which led us straight into a foxtrot of FELLOWSHIP. He spun me round and round like a ballerina into BELIEF.  My Savior said, “You will no longer do the rumba of regret”.  He lullabied me into a desire to live as He quickly let go for a brief moment.  Taking my hand once more he drew me close with His adoration as we spun some more.  Holding hands we jitter-bugged all the way to Jesus favorite jingle, “JESUS LOVES ME…This I know”.  The Holy Spirit joined in as the three of us trotted to the tempo of travail keeping me steadfast. I didn’t want the dance to end.  The Master had guided me across the tightrope of turmoil.  He’d shown me the pirouettes of PURPOSE and a reason to keep in rhythm with the RIGHTEOUSNESS of GOD.  The sound of silence tried to stop my feet from dancing, but he urged me to dance even when I couldn’t hear the music.



Friday, November 7, 2014


I was sitting at my desk this morning sipping on some hearty beef broth I had been preparing for a few days.  The aroma and warmth of it was so comforting.  I have been fighting a bug for a week now despite my efforts of natural home remedies and overuse of hand-sanitizer.  I knew my body needed the nutrition and healing properties prepared in this broth.  Broth for breakfast you ask? 
Yes, it does the body good!  

If made naturally from the bone marrow of beef or chicken bones, which contain elements that protect the lining of the stomach and esophagus.  If you suffer from acid reflux, this is the stuff! 

Bone broth is known as a super food. The cooking process breaks down bones and connective tissues – including proteins, minerals and fat – that heal the body in many ways. And because bone broth comes from pure nature, it’s sometimes more beneficial than taking supplements, especially for people with severe digestive problems.  I can vouch for this!  I've been ingesting bone marrow broth for nearly seven months now and it has been a miracle drug for a stomach disorder I had developed from taking the horrific antibiotic Clindamycin for a tooth issue.  

It has been noted in preventing wrinkles, inflammation, skin and hair conditions, and so much more!

I couldn't eat for several weeks, much less drink water.  I sincerely felt as if I were dying.  After spending ridiculous amounts of time in the hospital, medical test, and paying doctors to no avail...I searched out a natural remedy.  The broth was the ticket!  It only took one day of drinking it when the healing began. 

As I have become extremely busy with the magazine, and homeschooling, I have also let my guard down. I have been eating things I normally wouldn't touch on the go.  In turn this has caused a weakened immune system.  So here I am sipping away on this hearty broth to heal my aching bones and enjoying this palatable potion.  

To read more about the benefits of bone marrow broth and recipe, visit my website at: 

Read the article, "Reflux Roughing You Up?"


Try following recipe, a perfect fall dish to warm the soul!

SIRLOIN VEGETABLE BROTH (Soup) = ONLY 170 Calories per serving!


*Using organically grown ingredients is best, the health benefits, and quality far outweighs the cost, you can actually  smell the difference in the freshness of produce.

5 lbs beef knuckle
1 lb. ground sirloin
1/4 cup apple cider vinegar
4 carrots
2 celery stalks
1/2 sweet yellow onion
1/2 cup fresh parsley
1 cup of white button mushroom
2 cups diced zucchini 
4 garlic cloves
2 bay leaves
1 tsp thyme
1 tsp celery seed
1/2 tsp Pink Himalayan Sea Salt
1 tsp black pepper

Roast the beef knuckle in oven at 350 degrees for 55 minutes.  Remove the beef knuckle and place in crock-pot, cover in water and 1/4 cup apple-cider vinegar on simmer for 24-48 hrs depending on how much marrow you want.

Remove all bone matter and debris from stock.

In large pot add cooked ground sirloin, diced veggies, herbs, and seasonings cook on med 2 hours, and simmer till served.  Will refrigerate for 3-4 days, or freeze up to 6 months or more. 

Serves 8 
Nutritional Facts per 1 cup serving
170 Calories 
  5g Carbs
12g Fat
  9g Protein
194 Sodium
  2g Sugar

Matthew 4:4 ESV

But he answered, “It is written, “‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.’”

Thursday, November 6, 2014


I am greatly concerned about the direction our society's youth are headed.  I had the unfortunate pleasure of viewing some of my daughter's text on her phone last night after she had fell asleep.  I know...I know..I can hear the rumble of bloggers who feel I have overstepped boundaries as a parent. I have done the unthinkable...I invaded my teenage daughter's privacy, YES!  

After viewing some of the text and social media of blogging on her phone, I was appalled!  Not that my daughter had said anything inappropriate.  It was the subject matter between the social media appearing from other teens that was not only inappropriate, but dangerously crossed the line with sexually explicate content.  

I realized at that point that despite my efforts to protect my child from viewing, reading, listening to or engaging in ungodly material, was futile!  The things in our society that would never have been accepted years ago are not only acceptable, but desired by most youth.  The sexual immorality, lack of respect in language use, and no real concern over consequences as taken the lead.  It's as if they've lost all consciousness.  

Matthew 24:12

And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.

There is no real reference or a love of God in them to prevent them from posting or acting out their subject matter.  No fear, no care, and obviously NO COMMON SENSE!
Some parent's have lost consciousness too. As I viewed over the comments on my daughter's phone and pics of profiles, I thought surely, no parent would allow this, if they knew about it.  Yet, I was reminded of when I brought to another parent's attention a concern, I was ostracized, apparently they knew the teen was participating in something potentially dangerous and blew it off.
I realize I cannot control what's in the world.  It just frustrates me that as much as I have informed my children of pedophiles in cyberspace, and the dangers that lurk behind texting, emails, and chat rooms. They are still targets!  The enemy slithers his way in by any means. 

I have to painstakingly keep tabs on their social media, and games.  Most of the time I have nothing to worry about, but then a snag happens, and I am once again fully aware of the presence of evil.  I am reminded that Satan is roaring like a lion and wants my child! He wants your child!

1 Peter 5:8
Be on your guard and stay awake.  Your enemy, the devil, is like a roaring lion, sneaking around to find someone to attack.

We must be aware.  We must be conscious of their social networking,  internet use, Ipad, Iphone, etc...Abduction happens too often.
A recent study found that the majority of Internet predators do not pose as children as the prior conception of the Internet predator stereotype was perceived.  The Internet predators openly tell their age and their intentions and your kids openly talk to them about their own sexual desires. Scary!
The statistics show that teenagers are knowingly chatting to adults. It's a brave new world.  A world where our children still need to be protected from their curiosity.

Of course, the children do not tell their parents whom they are chatting with so how are parents supposed to know who their kids are chatting with on the internet?  With the advent of Facebook and the other thousands of social networking and chat sites on the internet, danger is only a click away.  The Internet predators are out there and your kids are willingly chatting with them. It seems that there is another dangerous trend that teens are participating in called Sexting.  They send nude or semi nude pics of themselves to others using their cell phone. Parents need to be aware of this new trend.    

When I dropped my daughter off for school without her cell phone until we can further clear up boundries, she was extremely upset with me.  I hated to take it away.  I hated that she was angry with me, I could hear the murmurs under her breath that probably were, "I hate you!" Yet, if that be the case, then I'm doing my job well. I had to remind myself that I am not here for a popularity contest or to be my daughter's friend.  God has entrusted this child to me to raise, protect, and guide.  It is our duty as a parent to peek into the private world of our children occasionally. We need to not be so busy, we don't have an eye on their connections. We cannot become so lax that we lose our children and they lose their innocence. 

Watch this interesting video I found and share it with your teen. When my son watched it, it grabbed his attention and concern.

Dangers of Social Media and Teens

Guidelines for parents

Monitor your children's use of all technological devices.
Take precautions with your children's use of cell phones. Text messaging enables children and adolescents to be in touch with and to make plans with people without parental knowledge. Know your children's cell phone contact list.
Be specific about cell phone use and set up specific rules about how and when the phone will be used. Set a limit on how much time children can use each month and how many text messages they can send and receive.
Emphasize and enforce the rule that teens should never use a cell phone while driving.
Establish rules of etiquette, such as never using a cell phone within 20 feet of another person, phones should be turned off in places where they might disturb other people, private conversations should not take place in public places, ESPECIALLY BATHROOMS!
-Brenda Graff

Wednesday, November 5, 2014


Have you ever seen the happy faces of newlyweds as they pull away from a crowd of well-wishers bestowing blessings of blissfulness? 

It's exciting to see a couple starting out so happy. Isn't it? However, somewhere along the line that happiness can sometimes turn to horror over a period of time.  

Suddenly, June Cleaver doesn't enjoy making her hubby's favorite meatloaf nor does she feel like vacuuming in high heels, emptying dishwasher, putting away laundry, or picking up Mr. Cleaver's dirty boxers off the floor.  

Mr. Cleaver begins working later and later, rarely home, he periodically text to check on things, but hardly ever calls anymore. 

Mrs. Cleaver spends too much time on social media to distract her from the responsibilities that weigh her down.  Mr. Cleaver has basically removed himself from the household responsibility scene altogether using work as an excuse.  

Mrs. Cleaver and Mr. Cleaver drift into a catatonic relationship and eventually fade away.  

I know this all sounds so depressing, but unfortunately it is too often true.  People don't try as hard these days to stay in communication with one another on a personal level..i.e. phone call...personal touch...a kind gesture, a gift.  Has your marriage become just a Facebook status?  Are you "just married"?  Or do you put your best effort forward to keep the spark alive, thriving in a relationship that you can't imagine living without?  

I thought of how marriage is such a holy union of two lives merging together as one.   It was never meant to be lived in an emotional state of emptiness.

Genesis 2:22-24

Then the LORD God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man.  The man said, "This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called 'woman, ' for she was taken out of man."  For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh.

It was never meant to be a union separated...nor did God ordain a multiple choice type of marriage.

A. Abandon spouse emotionally and physically when you feel like it
B. Break up over bills
C. Cheat when you fall out of "love"
D. Divorce when your tired of each other

One of the Hebrew meanings of the word marriage below, means TO STAY!

`agan aw-gan' --stay.

Oh dear Lord...that is a tough one!  I say this because I can honestly state that I spent half my life with one foot out the door during my marriage.  I didn't have the stick-to-it-ability as strongly as I do now.   I still have a small duffel bag half packed on nightstand.  I packed up to leave so many times, I didn't bother unpacking it the last time, and that was nearly over a year ago. I've been married for nearly 18 years and its had its bumps in the road.  More like craters!  However, God has been the only solid foundation that has held our sometimes fragile family together. When I think of marriage, I think about our relationship with Christ. There is no one without the other.    

The symbolism of marriage applies to Christ and the body of believers AKA, the church. In Ephesians 5:25-27, Christ explained as the Bridegroom, lovingly, and sacrificially chose the church as His bride. Just as there was a betrothal period in biblical times during which the bride and groom were separated for a period of time till the wedding, so is the bride of Christ separate from her Bridegroom until the their final wedding. It is her responsibility during the betrothal period to be faithful to Him 2 Corinthians 11:2; Ephesians 5:24 At the Second Coming of Christ, the church will be united with the Bridegroom, where the official "wedding ceremony" will take place, the eternal union of Christ and His bride will be actualized 
Revelation 19:7-9;21:1-2 As a believer and bride to be, we the church should be waiting with great anticipation and walking in a faithful manner  Revelation 22:20 not merely as "just" believers, but followers, and doers. Same goes for your earthly marriage.  I always tell my spouse and children, "actions speak louder then words". Say what you mean, and do what you say!  

Are we faithful in our vows of marriage to Christ? Do we exude Christ to those around us?  Would people know we were Christ Bride without our Facebook status, or Bible in hand? Do others know that your devoted to your spouse? Or is it too, just a FB status? Remember the butterflies in your stomach, the overwhelming joy "just married" to your soul mate?  Do you remember that feeling when you gave your life completely over to Christ as He courted you, and placed the ring of life around your heart, the engagement of eternity?  Oh where did the love go?  Life with either your spouse or Christ was meant to be lived relational, engaging, communicating, inspiring, encouraging, enjoying, and passionately pursuing the goal of God.  In God's own words...go back to your first love, that first moment of being "Just Married". -Brenda
“But I have this complaint against you. You don’t love me or each other as you did at first! -Revelation 2:4 (NLT)