Saturday, February 28, 2015


The other morning as I was reaching into my food pantry, I noticed that the items it contained were crowded and acting somewhat OCD, began re-arranging them.  There was much I had to do that day, and really didn’t have time to be sorting out dried goods.  As I rushed to complete the task, I was jolted to remember a time when I had nothing to put in the pantry, fridge, or even my own stomach.  

There were days when I was a young adult barely making it with small children in tow not knowing how we were going to eat.  On other days, we were blessed to live off a bag of potatoes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.  Cereal was served without milk, bread with no butter, beans with no tortillas, and eggs with no salt.  

I wasn’t exactly the most resourceful chef or shopper back then.  I didn’t know how to cook, I wasn’t capable of bringing together a few items to make an appealing dish out of nothing.  There were weeks where I had a choice of either paying a light bill, or feeding my babies.  Would our water stay on or would we have to buy more diapers?  There were no guarantees.  I stood in the long lines of food pantries, welfare offices, humiliated and treated as a second class citizen in most of those instances, despite the fact I had graduated Salutatorian, and voted most likely to succeed.

Always being interrogated on whether or not I had attended church or believed in God, as if to say, I didn’t because of my living situation.  It bothered me so.  Sometimes I was forced to watch a video about religion before I could grab my donated stale bread, and goods and feed my hungry children.  Other times, I had to enter a room and be prayed for by a group of people who sent me on my way with no real help, or answers to get me out of my situation.   

What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can that faith save him? If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food, and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, be warmed and filled,” without giving them the things needed for the body, what good is that? So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead. But someone will say, “You have faith and I have works.” Show me your faith apart from your works, and I will show you my faith by my works.

My children were living off of mac and cheese, bologna, and Ramen Noodle most the time, and that was on a good week. There were times when I had to chose not to eat so that my children could, going to bed with an aching gut unable to sleep.

That morning I stood overwhelmed in front of my pantry. I began to thank God as tears streamed, thinking of where He had brought me from.  I was ever so grateful at how my children and I had survived to this where none of us have to experience hunger, or eat stale goods, and giveaways no one wants.  We don’t have to be rejected and treated like second-class citizens or be looked upon as failures due to our circumstances.  “Lord, thank you!”  I said. 

I took a second glance around my tiny home, cluttered with furniture, kids’ shoes, 

and jackets hung over here and there, mud marks from dogs and cats tracking in and out, 

chunks of clay dirt trailing off of hubby’s work boots, dust bunnies in corners growing in numbers, and noticed something different.  

I saw the gift.  The untidy package of a life that has been blessed beyond measure.  It didn’t matter that my floors weren’t sparkling with Mr. Clean, or that the jackets weren’t hung neatly in a closet.  The items I stumble over sometimes left by my children, no longer bothered me.  

God made me realize that these were all signs of life.  A child’s life, a dog’s life, and yes even a cat’s life, life with a family that God has greatly blessed me with and provided for.  

The person wearing those muddy work boots, have dangerously climbed excruciating heights 100's of times before dawn and sometimes working through the night.

The man in those muddy boots have walked for 1,000's of miles over the last 20 or more years to provide a home, food, and a life together.  They boldly walked even when there were times the walking was nearly impossible, the climb too difficult, and wearing so painful, it was a sign of provision, God's provision in difficult times.  

Those paw prints have left imprints on the hearts of our family as they greet us each morning, and snuggle up to sleep at night.  

The dust bunnies were evidence of life in a home that has sheltered us for the past 4 years when we didn’t know where or how we were going to live when we moved back from Georgia.  

He opened up my eyes to a priority of presence.  To be thankful.  To experience life, the abundant life he wants for us.  He doesn’t want us stressing over whether our floors are pristine enough to plate them with dinner, or constantly nagging my kiddos to hang up their stuff, (although it would be really nice if they would).  God doesn’t want me wasting time rearranging items in a food cabinet that is going to get out of order with each use.  He wants us to focus on this life that is ticking away by the second, and to live it with purpose each and every moment.  

God has made me realize more then ever that we don’t need to worry how our life was stacked in the pantry of our pain, but to know that He has filled our cabinet full of blessings, and reminders of His goodness, mercy, and love.  

The pantry is no longer bare, it is full of a desire to feed the hungry, the hurting, and the homeless.  A pantry full of purpose.
-Brenda Graff/Founder

Food for Soul Magazine is striving to continue feeding a community of families in crisis.  We have over 33,000 readers in the states and thousands globally.  Just imagine what we could do, if each of these readers sent just $1 to stock the pantry.  We could do so much more.  We are working towards a building of a crisis center to provide training and job skills for the unemployed.  To encourage a life free from welfare, humiliation, and lack of provision.  You can read more about it in February Issue page two.

Click here below to purchase 
$1 Pantry item for the People.

Or you may send a  check or money order in any amount to:

P.O. BOX 304

Sunday, February 22, 2015

There’s No Place Like Home

Many have not had the horrid experience of being homeless.  For those that have, it is an experience that brings much shame, loneliness, and a sense of disconnectedness with the world.  It is probably one of the worst conditions to a human soul outside of losing all senses. 

I was sitting on my back porch the other day enjoying the sun, and watching newborn lambs frolicking in the fields when I noticed something slowly approaching me.  I turned with a sigh to see that it was yet another stray cat left behind in our neighborhood.  

Is this the Graff Inn?
We have a real problem with this.  There are strays everywhere.  We are lovers of God’s creation and have taken in, sheltered, fostered, and kept more abandoned then we can afford to feed at times.  I believe that some of these creatures are confused by the great flood of Noah and are still in search of the Ark.

However, this particular one has adopted us as her family.  We have tried to persuade her to live elsewhere being we have three cats already, two dogs, two parakeets, four finches, and six fish.  

Her name is Shirley, my children named her, which meant ownership to them!  In other words "SURELY" we are gong to keep her.

Despite my hesitation to let her in the house, my heart broke as she howled at our front door “Let m-e-o-w-in”.  

Any room at the Inn?

It happened to be a really unusually cold winter for our usual sauna of a state.  It was raining, windy, and poor kitty was homeless.  We took her in and noticed she had been badly attacked by some other animal.  She was bleeding with cuts all over.  My daughter, Amanda “Dr. Doolittle”, and son, Surgeon Cody, immediately grabbed a towel and commenced to doctoring her up. 

This kitty, which is more like a senior of probably ten years or more was ever so grateful to be tucked inside the Graff infirmary.  

"Doc, is it bad?
Over the course of days she began to heal, and initiate attempts to eat my birds, and then the fish.  She didn’t succeed, but came pretty close as we caught her pawing her way into the top of a cage, or trying to lift the lid to the fish tank.  Our other pets know better, they know they are all family and that Momma Graff will shank one of them if they touch my precious helpless ones.  Well, Shirley has had to be put outside more often due to her natural behavioral instincts.  She is fed, and still let in to warm at night for safety reasons, but I still keep hoping she will find a tastier food bowl elsewhere sometimes.  

However, as I watched Shirley slink across the grass towards the porch looking up at me, I noticed an expression on her face as if to say, “Is this my home? Can I come closer? Is it okay to sit by you? Or are you going to shun me?”  

My heart sunk, when I saw the look of intimidation in her eyes and cautiously moving towards me.  She had obviously experienced some trauma prior to landing on our doorstep.  She quietly, jumped up onto a chair and continued to look at me for approval.  Tears filled my eyes as I thought of this on a human perspective.  

How many times have we driven or walked past the homeless, without so much as acknowledging them?  They stand on the street corners begging, and yet some refuse to even look at them while praying the light turns green quickly as they make their escape from the unsightly.   "Make it go away, some say".  No one wants to see the homeless, burdened, addicted or abandoned.  "Out of sight, out of mind".

Not being acknowledged is worse than being stared at.  Don’t you know this brings shame to them?  They are embarrassed, and feel like a low-life citizen already doing whatever it is to survive, without having the added indignity poured on their heads with a swift turn of one.  Many want to feel at home. 

They desire a family to call their own.  Some ended up in that circumstance due to circumstances beyond their control.  I’ve spoken to some when stopping to assist, and found that most ended up there through divorce, abandonment, becoming a widower, addiction, or abuse. If on the street too long, some can become mentally ill.  Some were dealing with a mental illness before losing their home.  

The trauma and unhealthy living conditions on the street are no match for one’s mind or soul.   Currently, there are more women and children living on the streets than ever with spouses ending up in jail, losing jobs, or abandoning them altogether.  There are over 5,000 homeless in the Houston and surrounding areas.  Can you imagine how many worldwide?  When we were collecting jackets, and socks for Star of Hope Missions, it was sad to find that there were so many still unable to be sheltered for lack of space, and they were being forced to sleep under whatever space they could find to get warm.  Including women and children.  Star of Hope hits the streets to hand out clothing for these homeless each week.  It was difficult getting donations for our coat drive.  Even during the month of December (the most giving season of the year), hardly anyone responded.  

I believe that there is much prejudice when it comes to the homeless.  Many have fallen prey to the impostors on the corners of highways, and byways.  Or some may feel that they deserve to be on the streets for lack of job search, or marital commitment, etc… Yet, let me ask you…how can one get a job interview and pass one without transportation…or with such an odorous infliction from lack of bathing facilities?  Once the streets become a home for some, it begins a vicious cycle.  The fear, anxiety, health wearing down, offers of means to eat or feed children that require humiliating acts, and substance abuse is a harsh realty.  

No one knows how it is until you have actually experienced it.  So before you quickly pass by another homeless, I challenge you to look them in the eye, see what God sees, and you will be surprised at what you will find.  They are a real living soul in need of love, compassion, and mercy.  I know.... because I’ve been one.

Matthew 25:35-46 (NIV)
 35 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36 I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’ 37 “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38 When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39 When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’ 40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ 41 “Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. 42 For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, 43 I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.’ 44 “They also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?’ 45 “He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’ 46 “Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.
Proverbs 19:17 (NIV)
Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lordand he will reward them for what they have done.



Brenda A. Graff
Food For Soul Magazine

Monday, February 16, 2015

Sticks and Stones


This month, I had the pleasure of attending an IF Gathering. It was where a group of women from all different churches, and backgrounds gathered to become more equipped in their walk with Christ. It was a time of learning, and healing as we unveiled in front of one another the matters of our hearts. It was so powerfully inspiring, and life changing for thousands globally with over 68,000 in attendance to watch simulcast. It was a profound lesson of faith walking. 

It is difficult these days to walk in faith when you see the heinous things happening in our world. We might ask where is God? Why isn't he stopping it? To ask these questions are not unusual. 
We are human, and it is difficult to imagine how a powerful loving God can allow for tragedy to keep happening. We find what is being reported in the news frightening, discouraging, or shocking at times. How can a person have faith in a world with so many tragedies? God never intended for this to be. However, He loved us SO much, He gave us FREE WILL.

His plans allowed for a rebellious nature to occur, simply on the basis that He has given free will. Would you as a parent, want your child to be forced to say, "I love you", knowing they can’t stand the very sight of you? Would you want to be married to someone who demanded your love and respect?

No! Not in the least…therefore, God doesn’t force us to love Him. Yet, He loves us (SO) much that He desires for us to be with Him always. This is where the eternity speaks volumes compared to the temporary messed up selves we have here on earth. -Food For Soul Magazine, "Oh How He Loves Us" -article, Feb.14, 20015
It's like giving a child the pick of candy in a store, and they grab the whole bag!  He gave us the choice of right or wrong.  Sadly, some choose the whole bag of wickedness.
We believe these events are just now occurring on earth. Yet, in reality, if everyone sat down and really read the scriptures, what we see happening has been happening since the beginning of man-kind. Some scenes in the Bible are not only violent, but graphically speak of tragedies unfolding. It was a true account of the ugly truth about the evilness of some of man-kind. 

The only difference is now we have the news media to blast it all over, every gory detail of it. I have to shut it off sometimes.

Now back to the IF Gathering. I learned that not only is our God loving by the testimony of women who shared their tragic stories of loss, and pain, but how faith in small measures can change much.

God used a stone through the faith of one small boy to kill a giant.
He used a stick to show signs and wonders through a stuttering man of faith.

By faith, Aaron and Moses used a stick which turned into a snake.

He used a stone for a pillow in Jacob's faith, which became an alter unto God the ROCK of our salvation.

He used a stone as an example of mercy and grace.

He used stone to teach us from right and wrong.
He used the gathering of sticks to show a widow of God's provision.

He used sticks to illustrate ONE NATION UNDER GOD
IF GOD...can use sticks and stones to illustrate what Faith can do when we believe even as the grain of a mustard seed...

Then why do we not pray? What IF we prayed for a world in turmoil? 
What IF we prayed for our country's leaders to hear and know the heart of God? What would happen... IF we prayed for Christian martyrs worldwide who have believed enough to lay down their lives? IF God can save Paul the Apostle, who once killed hundreds of Christians, and use him to spread the gospel...that is still spreading to this day 100's of years later...then why? Oh why? Can we not believe that these torchers can be saved too?

What would happen IF we believe that death has lost its sting? Understanding that Jesus the Author and Finisher of our FAITH proved with the rolling away of one stone HE LIVES....and now sits on the right-hand of GOD!

God used a stone to show victory over death!
The world may be in mayhem, and lives are being affected globally, but we need to trust in the Lord who is our only EVERLASTING ROCK! A STONE UNMOVEABLE!
Isaiah 26:4

"Trust in the LORD forever, For in GOD the LORD, we have an everlasting Rock.

Psalms 62:6

He only is my rock and my salvation, My stronghold; I shall not be shaken.

Sticks and stones may break our bones, but by HIS throne, not even death can hurt me. -Selah
Brenda A. Graff